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Successful Public Speaking (+ On DEMAND BONUS)

This 3-hour live, online workshop allows participants to interact with an instructor as they learn the skills that Dale Carnegie has taught for generations.

Informazioni su

This 3-hour live, online workshop allows participants to interact with an instructor as they learn the skills that Dale Carnegie has taught for generations. You will discover how to best minimize the fear of public speaking and gain greater confidence as you practice presenting in front of others. And as a bonus, you’ll have access to unlimited presentation skills training for a full year!

Che cosa imparerai

You will practice presenting virtually, and learn skills that will enable you to overcome your fear of public speaking. Identify reasons for uneasiness, and discover preparation tools designed to boost your confidence. Plan a presentation, from opening to close that will have the greatest impact on your audience.

Perché vuoi impararlo

When properly executed, your presentation will make you stand out; it will communicate to your audience that you are prepared, informed, and confident. An accomplished presentation is what will differentiate you from your competitors. Consider it your secret weapon!

In che modo ti aiuterà

This online course will help you overcome your fear of speaking in front of others, and gain confidence as an accomplished presenter. For a limited time, we're bundling our 1-hour, $99 On-Demand course, Presentations that Influence People, with every enrollment to Successful Public Speaking! Get unlimited access to presentations skills training any time you need it for a full year. Learn more about Presentations that Influence People.

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