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Virtual Meetings that Engage

This course illustrates the unique characteristics of an online meeting, and guides you in ways to make it an informative, interactive experience.

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This course illustrates the unique characteristics of an online meeting, and guides you in ways to make it an informative, interactive experience. You’ll discover top practices for engaging your audience, and you’ll discover online tools that help them stay focused. Virtual meetings don’t have to be second-choice; sometimes they’re the best choice!

Che cosa imparerai

In this session, you will explore the three key components of an online meeting: pre-meeting planning, managing the meeting, and post-meeting follow-up. Evaluate an actual meeting and investigate virtual tools available to strengthen both content and delivery. Receive a handout that provides you with tips and tricks for online meetings yet to come!

Perché vuoi impararlo

In our ever-changing, fast-paced work environments, sometimes the most expedient way to get people together is with an online meeting. This session teaches you ways to generate participation and build cooperation in this format. And guess what? It’s a format that’s here to stay!

In che modo ti aiuterà

You will discover ways to engage your team members through the use of intriguing online activities. You’ll learn how to build solid relationships and gain commitment. Ultimately, you’ll have a heightened understanding of the benefits of a well planned and executed online meeting!

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