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Lead Change Effectively

In this two-hour Live Online workshop, you’ll examine the challenges of change leadership and the mistakes that often result.


This module explores the internal and external factors that drive change and how change impacts the organization and its people. Explore a model for change to set the right things in motion the right way, and avoid pitfalls while navigating the team through uncertain times. This module will make you a flexible leader during uncertain times so you can remain productive and positive -- and help others do the same.

Wat je zal leren

In this two-hour Live Online workshop, you’ll examine the challenges of change leadership and the mistakes that often result. Learn to incorporate principles for leading organizational change. Assess your ability for influencing the attitudes and actions of others by evaluating your own willingness to adapt transformational leadership behaviors.

Waarom je het wil leren

Managing through change can be stressful, frustrating and difficult. Being prepared and using an organized approach can help mitigate negative conditions as you manage your own mindset and actions while leading others. You’ll devise and plan and apply principles for building respectful, productive relationships where together everyone achieves more.

Hoe het je zal helpen

You can’t always control change, but you can control your attitude towards it. Adapting your attitude is the first step toward being prepared for the challenges of a changing environment. Follow a roadmap to leading individuals during times of change and come out even stronger on the other side.

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